Are you familiar with a CSA? CSA, in farming terminology, stands for Community Supported Agriculture. Many local farms offer CSA programs and I highly recommend it! How does it work? You pay your farmer at the beginning of the growing season so they have funds to buy seeds and other farming necessities for their growing season. In turn, you get a box of produce over a certain time span. This year we decided to support Raisin’ Roots Farm right here in Fort Collins and I am so happy we did! As you can see in the picture, this week we received cucumbers, bib lettuce, romaine lettuce, fresh spring greens, collard greens, kale, and hidden underneath is some fresh basil. By participating in a CSA you are able to support local farms and get fresh produce right from the farm, which decreases transit time and emissions. Produce loses vitamin and mineral content once it is harvested. By eating fresh food right after it is harvested, you are getting higher nutrient content. Another amazing benefit is variety! I would never go to the grocery store and buy 5+ batches of lettuce. I am eating more vegetables, which increases fiber, vitamin and minerals, and healthy gut bacteria…all wins! Do you have any local farms you like to support? Have you looked into buying into a share? I challenge you to research a local farm and buy some fresh produce from them!