Over the last week I have been glued to the news regarding the murder of George Floyd and all the other black individuals that have lost their lives in senseless acts of murder. My parents have raised me to be accepting of all individuals and to not discriminate based on the color of your skin, your religion, your sexuality, or your gender. Growing up I always lived in places where the predominant race was white and now, living in Fort Collins, it is no different. I wish we had more diversity here for not only myself but for my kiddos to see that there are many different people in the world, making it rich and interesting. As a white woman, I immediately thought, “what can I do to make a difference?” I immediately talked to my children about what happened (toned down to grade school language) and started collecting resources about racism. They already love their books about Martin Luther King Jr. and Rosa Parks, so they have a clue about how people are treated differently based on skin color and how it is not right. I have started to follow black leaders who are creating awareness of how messed up America is regarding race and giving examples of what we can do to make a difference. Educate, read, research, find ways you can provide value in this world and make it a better place. As a nutritionist, I know there is a huge racial nutrition disparity, with many Black and Hispanic people being at high risk. How can you eat the right foods that nourish your body without the proper education of knowing what those foods are? If you know of a family that is in need of nutrition education and is willing to take the journey of eating more nutritious foods, please let me know and I will work with them for free. It’s not much, but this is my way of paying it forward and trying to make a difference. Have you thought about this, too? What ways can you help? Let’s use our skills to build a brighter future for all. Black lives matter.